Philematology (KISSING) with Robin Dunbar
Anthropologist Dr. Robin Dunbar; photo by J. French for
Why do we kiss? What makes a good kiss or a bad kiss? How many microbes do we exchange? Is it good for us? One of the world’s most accomplished researchers on kissing, social behavior and relationships, Oxford University anthropologist Dr . Robin Dunbar, reluctantly agrees to be interviewed and explains how kissing may have evolved, how discos are research labs and friends are people you can invite yourself to have a beer with. Also: how to deal with the loneliness of isolation, autism and intimacy, why your cheerfulness may impact people you don’t even know and Alie’s first kiss.
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Dr. Dunbar’s books are available here
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More links which may be helpful:
“What's in a Kiss? The Effect of Romantic Kissing on Mate Desirability”
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Dunbar’s Number: how many friends is a good number of friends
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Sound editing by Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media & Steven Ray Morris
Theme song by Nick Thorburn