Every episode we donate a portion of the ad revenue to a charitable organization chosen by our ologists. Below is a list of all the charitable organizations we have donated to thus far.
The AbleGamers mission is creating opportunities that enable play in order to combat social isolation, foster inclusive communities, and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.
In honor of Dr. Jane McGonigal, Ludology (VIDEO GAMES)
Active Minds is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization promoting mental health awareness and education for young adults. We are dedicated to saving lives and to building stronger families and communities. Through education, research, advocacy, and a focus on young adults ages 14–25, Active Minds is opening up the conversation about mental health and creating lasting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued in the United States.
In honor of Dr. DeQuincy Meiffren-Lézine, Suicidology (SUICIDE PREVENTION & AWARENESS)
ADDA is a worldwide inclusive community of supportive ADHD adults who make it possible to thrive with ADHD in today’s world. We are building a culture that celebrates ADHD and empowers our members to discover and reach their potential. We support adults with ADHD, provide a welcoming and safe environment, deliver reliable information, encourage innovative approaches and model ADHD best practices.
In honor of René Brooks, Jessica McCabe, and Jahla Osborne, Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD)
The money raised from the ADOPTAXOLOTL adoption program via the Instituto de Biologia de la UNAM helps the axolotl habitat rehabilitation, the conservation of local wildlife and the strengthening of chinampera agricultural practices.
In honor of Dr. Jessica Whited, Ambystomology (AXOLOTLS … AND LIMB REGROWTH?)
Affordable Living for the Aging is a BIPOC-led nonprofit currently serving high-acuity individuals in Los Angeles. ALA’s mission is to reduce disparities and promote housing and health equity by enabling access to housing and health services for disadvantaged populations. ALA provides intensive case management, permanent affordable housing, supportive housing, shared housing, and access to community resources. We envision a community where all individuals – regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic status – have access to affordable healthcare, housing, and a network of supportive services.
In honor of Robin Dunbar, Philematology (KISSING)
AATCLC partners with community stakeholders, elected officials and public health agencies to inform the national direction of tobacco control policy, practices and priorities, as they affect the lives of Black-American and African immigrant populations.
In honor of Dr. Robert Proctor, Agnotology (IGNORANCE)
The Alaska SeaLife Center is the only facility in Alaska that combines a public aquarium with marine research, education, and wildlife response. The center generates and shares scientific knowledge to promote understanding and stewardship of Alaska's marine ecosystems.
In honor of Luis A. Hückstädt, Pinnipedology (SEALS & WALRUSES)
The vision of Algonquin Wildlife Research Station is to be a leader in wildlife research and experiential learning. Since 1944, we have been supporting wildlife research and conservation, student training in the natural sciences, and outdoor education. Our long history of ecological research has contributed significantly to knowledge, policy, and conservation of species and ecosystems in Canada.
In honor of Dr. Tim Winegard, Hagfishology (HAGFISH)
The Alongside Wildlife Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity supported by a grassroots network of people passionate about wildlife. Through research and outreach, we promote science-based solutions for living alongside wildlife in perpetuity.
In honor of Amanda Hipps, Testudinology (TORTOISES)
In honor of Dr. David Steen, Smologies #22: REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS
AAKP is dedicated to improving the lives and long-term outcomes of kidney patients through education, advocacy, patient engagement and the fostering of patient communities.
In honor of Dr. Samira Farouk, Nephrology (KIDNEYS)
Since 1980, the ACPA has offered peer support and education in pain management skills to people with pain, family and friends, and health care professionals.
In honor of Joseph Saunders, Aperiology (MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY)
The American Civil Liberties Union was founded in 1920 and is our nation's guardian of liberty. The ACLU works in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.
In honor of Franita Tolson, Nomology (THE CONSTITUTION)
The mission of the American Diabetes Association is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. We lead the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fight for those affected by diabetes.
In honor of Dr. Harold Gouzoules, Screamology (LOUD VOCALIZATIONS)
The vision of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) is a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies and careers.
In honor of Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, Bryology (MOSS)
The American Institute for Conservation is the national membership organization supporting conservation professionals in preserving cultural heritage by establishing and upholding professional standards, promoting research and publications, providing educational opportunities, and fostering the exchange of knowledge among conservators, allied professionals, and the public.
In honor of E. Tory Laitila, Vexillology (FLAGS)
The American Kidney Fund's vision is a world without kidney disease. Until that day comes, we believe that every kidney patient should have access to health care, and every person at risk for kidney disease should be empowered to prevent it. We carry out our mission--fighting kidney disease and helping people live healthier lives--with an unmatched scope of programs that support people wherever they are in their fight against kidney disease—from prevention through post-transplant living.
In honor of Lisa Walsh, Opossumology (O/POSSUMS)
The American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) was established in 1919 for the purpose of promoting interest in the study of mammals. The Sponsored Membership Fund supports ASM memberships for mammalogists in developing countries.
In honor of Rhiannons Kirton & Jakopak, Cervidology (DEER)
ARC is the leader in facilitating multi-partner projects for amphibian and reptile conservation. First we bring together the resources of different agencies, institutions, and individuals. Then we coordinate the combined effort.
In honor of Dr. Priya Nanjappa, Bufology (TOADS)
Brought to you by The American Institute for Roman Culture, Ancient Rome Live’s mission is simple; to be the definitive, free-to-access resource for learning about ancient Rome.
In honor of Darius Arya, Classical Archaeology (ANCIENT ROME)
The Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County, WV provides housing and adoption services for abandoned, surrendered, neglected, abused and unwanted dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens until they are adopted, and promotes education about the care of pets to residents in our county and surrounding communities.
In honor of Susan Benjamin, Confectionology (CANDY)
Animal Wonders Inc. and employees dedicate themselves to adopting displaced wildlife and other animals in need, giving them a life-long home, and providing education about exotic and native animals.
In honor of a gaze of raccoonologists, Raccoonology (PROCYONIDS)
Armenia Fund is the largest humanitarian organization serving the needs of the Republic of Armenia and the Artsakh Republic. Our mission is to connect the people of Armenia with the worldwide Armenian Diaspora to create a better homeland for the Armenian nation.
In honor of Ellery Frahm, Pyrotechnology (FIREMAKING)
Astronomers Without Borders is a global community that appreciates, studies, and shares the wonders of the universe, to broaden perspective, transcend borders, and improve lives.
In honor of India Jackson and Dr. Michael Kirk, Heliology (THE SUN/ECLIPSES)
Backyard Basecamp inspires Black, Indigenous, and all People of Color (BIPOC) across Baltimore City to find nature where they are and empowers them to explore further.
In honor of Juita Martinez, Pelicanology (PELICANS)
Beyond Type 1 is a nonprofit organization changing what it means to live with diabetes. Through platforms, programs, resources, and grants, Beyond Type 1 is uniting the global diabetes community and providing solutions to improve lives today.
In honor of Dr. Mike Natter, Diabetology (BLOOD SUGAR)
The mission of the Bill Anderson Fund (BAF) is to expand the number of historically underrepresented professionals in the fields of hazard and disaster research and practice.
In honor of Samantha Montano, Disasterology (DISASTERS)
Black in Appalachia is working to highlight the history of African-Americans in the development of our region and its culture. Through research, local narratives, public engagement and exhibition, this project aims to raise the visibility and contributions of the Black communities of the Mountain South. This project is a community service for Appalachian residents and families with roots in the region.
In honor of Jonathan C. Hall, Condorology (CONDORS & VULTURES)
Black Mamas Matter Alliance values Black women’s lives, knowledge, and leadership. We trust Black women and prioritize Black women’s voices. We recognize, celebrate, and support Black mamas – those who care for and mother our families and communities – whether they are trans, cis, or gender non-conforming. We stand in solidarity with all Black mamas.
In honor of Megan Rosenbloom & Dr. Daniel Kirby, Anthropodermic Biocodicology (HUMAN LEATHER BOOKS)
With the knowledge that only 1% of Texas state park participants identify as Black/African-American, Black Outside, Inc was founded with the mission of reconnecting Black/African-American youth to the outdoors. We craft programming that not only connects students with our powerful history in the outdoors but inspires a new generation of outdoor participants.
In honor of Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant, Carnivore Ecology (LIONS, TIGERS & BEARS)
In honor of Kristen Wickert, Forest Entomology (CREEPY CRAWLIES)
Black Trowel Collective Microgrants is a collective of archaeologists (from PhD students to faculty members) committed to the active support of archaeology students from working-class and historically looted communities who are both regularly excluded by traditional scholarship and academic programs, or who require more economic support than those resources cover.
In honor of Angelo Robledo, Experimental Archaeology (OLD TOOLS/ATLATLS)
The BlackAFinSTEM Collective seeks to support, uplift, and amplify Black STEM professionals in natural resources and the environment through professional development, career connection, and community engagement. We aim to inspire new audiences to engage in nature and share the stories of Black conservationists from across the African diaspora.#BlackAFinSTEM
In honor of Very Special Episode: BlackAFinSTEM
BlackPast is dedicated to providing the inquisitive public with comprehensive, reliable, and accurate information concerning the history of African Americans in the United States and people of African ancestry in other regions of the world. It is the aim of the founders and sponsors to foster understanding through knowledge in order to generate constructive change in our society.
In honor of Stephen Hanks, Geneaology (FAMILY TREES)
Blue Ridge Wildlife Center is a unique and special place. The only wildlife teaching hospital in northern Virginia, the staff and volunteers of BRWC work to care for native wildlife by integrating veterinary medicine, rehabilitation, education, and research.
In honor of a gaze of raccoonologists, Raccoonology (PROCYONIDS)
Blue Stars Performing Arts for Youth is committed to developing life skills in young people through education and achievement in the performing arts.
In honor of Dr. Tom Volk, Mycology (MUSHROOMS)
Blueprint Earth is cataloging all of the geology, biology, hydrology, and atmospheric conditions in a square kilometer of California’s Mojave Desert. Our goal is to understand how everything functions together, as a system - from the microbes to the clouds.
In honor of Jess Phoenix, Volcanology (VOLCANOES)
The mission and core beliefs of Boys & Girls Clubs of America fuel our commitment to promoting safe, positive and inclusive environments for all. Boys & Girls Clubs of America supports all youth and teens – of every race, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, socio-economic status, and religion – in reaching their full potential.
In honor of Seamus Blackley, Gastroegyptology (BREAD BAKING)
Breaking Ground’s mission is to strengthen individuals, families and communities by developing and sustaining exceptional supportive and affordable housing as well as programs for homeless and other vulnerable New Yorkers.
In honor of Dr. Sheila Blumberg, Surgical Angiology (VEINS & ARTERIES)
As the leading global type 1 diabetes research and advocacy organization, Breakthrough T1D helps make everyday life better while driving toward cures. We are opening doors that were once closed by T1D diagnosis. We lead the way to more effective solutions by connecting the brightest minds to advance treatments, influence policy, and improve access to care. By driving innovation forward, we will make T1D a thing of the past.
In honor of Catherine Price, Funology (YES, FUN)
The British Cave Rescue Council (BCRC) was formed in 1967 as the representative body for bona fide volunteer underground rescue organisations in the British Isles. Its functions include representing and supporting its members at National and International level, promoting the exchange of information between member rescue organisations and providing a common voice for them.
In honor of Dr. Gina Moseley, Speleology (CAVES)
The mission of the California Academy of Sciences is to regenerate the natural world through science, learning, and collaboration.
In honor of Dr. Shannon Bennett, Virology (COVID-19)
In honor of Dr. Shannon Bennett & Dr. Mike Natter, Virology (COVID-19 UPDATE)
In honor of Dr. Rich Mooi, Echinology (SEA URCHINS & SAND DOLLARS)
CARE is a global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. We are known everywhere for our unshakeable commitment to the dignity of people. CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security. We put women and girls in the center because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.
In honor of Sylvia Kessler, Graphology (HANDWRITING/FORGERY)
In honor of Dr. Benjamin Karney, Matrimoniology (MARRIAGE)
The Center for One Health Research (COHR) at the University of Washington investigates the health linkages among humans, animals and their shared environments.
In honor of a gaze of raccoonologists, Raccoonology (PROCYONIDS)
The Center for RISC (Radical Innovation for Social Change) is an innovation lab for social change. Driven by curiosity, unfettered by orthodoxy, and grounded in the sciences of human behavior, we’re investigating bold new ways to tackle the world’s biggest problems.
In honor of Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman & Steven Levitt, Economic Sociology (MONEY/FREAKONOMICS)
The Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines, an organization founded by Brazilian anthropologist Dr. Bia Labate and American psychologist Dr. Clancy Cavnar, produces high-quality research on plant medicines and psychedelics, and helps propagate academic knowledge in more accessible formats. We educate the public and create cultural understanding and legitimacy regarding these substances so that they may cease to be stigmatized and outlawed.
In honor of Dr. Charles Grob, Psychedeliology (HALLUCINOGENS)
CHADD believes in improving the lives of people affected by ADHD.
In honor of Dr. Russell Barkley, René Brooks, Jessica McCabe, and Jahla Osborne, Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD)
Chef Hui’s mission is to create opportunities to connect the culinary world with their community through a strong network of local chefs and produce providers.
We aim to provide opportunities for like minded culinary professionals and educators to deepen their connection to farmers, ranchers, schools, community organizations and individuals working to build a more robust food system.
In honor of FIELD TRIP: A Hawaiian Breadfruit Rev’ULUtion
Choreographers Guild is the collective voice of professional choreographers and choreography teams working in film, television, commercials, music videos, live concerts, and other media.
In honor of FIELD TRIP: A Hollywood Visit to the Writers Guild Strike Line
City College's “Doing Remarkable Things Together” campaign ensures that young men and women from all walks of life will have access to a college dedicated to the idea that a democratic society begins with educational opportunity for the whole people.
In honor of Dr. Dirk Moses, Genocidology (CRIMES OF ATROCITY)
The Coalition for Rainforest Nations seeks to create sound and long-lasting opportunities for environmental sustainability, social and economic advancement, strengthened capacity and international market reform in a manner that enhances tropical forest stewardship, biodiversity conservation and global climate stability by reversing the destruction of tropical rainforests.
In honor of C. Andrew Hall, Drawdown Design Project
Common Cause is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to upholding the core values of American democracy. We work to create open, honest, and accountable government that serves the public interest; promote equal rights, opportunity, and representation for all; and empower all people to make their voices heard in the political process.
In honor of Mindy Romero, Political Sociology (VOTER TURNOUT & SUPPRESSION)
The Common Good Community Foundation is a community-based organization that facilitates the funding and development of programs and projects of an enduring nature that serve and enrich communities within Plumas County, CA.
In honor of Gavin Jones, Fire Ecology (WILDFIRES)
The mission of Conservation Ambassadors is giving a worldwide voice to wildlife by providing a permanent, loving home for displaced, abused, abandoned or permanently injured wild and exotic animals. Sharing these animal ambassadors through our Zoo to You outreach program helps educate school children and learners of all ages about conservation, connecting them to the wild world and inspiring them to protect the planet.
In honor of Allis Markham, Nassology (TAXIDERMY)
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is a national non-profit charitable conservation group working to protect Canada’s wild ecosystems in parks, ecological and wilderness reserves. Our goal is to preserve the full diversity of habitats and their species. CPAWS has a national office in Ottawa, over 20,000 members and 13 regional chapters. Since our establishment in 1963, CPAWS has helped protect more than 40 million hectares of Canada’s most treasured wild spaces!
In honor of Jill Taylor, Puffinology (PUFFINS)
In honor of Dr. Suzanne Pierre, Critical Ecology (SOCIAL SYSTEMS + ENVIRONMENT)
The Critical Ecology Lab is a group of people using their skills—lived experience, scientific training, and creative practice—to ask questions and inform others about how the invisible, unjust systems shaping our lives have brought about the current environmental crises.
In honor of Dr. Suzanne Pierre, Critical Ecology (SOCIAL SYSTEMS + ENVIRONMENT)
Cultivate Charlottesville engages youth and community in building an equitable, sustainable food system through garden-based experiential learning, growing and sharing healthy food, amplifying community leaders, and advocating for food justice.
In honor of Dr. Psyche Williams-Forson, Black American Magirology (FOOD, RACE & CULTURE)
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to funding research with the highest probability of preventing, slowing or reversing Alzheimer’s disease.
In honor of Dr. Caleb Finch, Biogerontology (AGING)
At DeadlyScience Ltd, our first aim is to provide science books and early reading material to remote schools in Australia. We have shipped over 25,000 books, 700 telescopes, 10,000 Lego kits and other STEM resources over 180 communities, with more to come.
In honor of Alice Gorman, Space Archaeology (SPACE JUNK)
Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning is a community-led educational experience established in Denendeh and delivered across the land. We deliver Indigenous centred arts, culture, language and educational programming in an innovative land-based environment. We support diverse needs and inclusive participation.
In honor of Riley Kucheran, Indigenous Fashionology (NATIVE CLOTHING)
The Denver Public Library Friends Foundation enriches our community through philanthropy, advocacy and outreach to support a world-class library system in Denver.
In honor of Sarah Scoles and Kate Dorsch, UFOlogy (UNEXPLAINED AERIAL PHENOMENA)
Detroit Justice Center is founded on the belief that we cannot build cities that work for everyone without remedying the impacts of mass incarceration. This mission requires innovative ways of community lawyering—rooted in defensive and offensive fights for racial justice and economic equity—that build up our poorest residents through direct services and novel approaches to land use, housing, and employment. We use a three-pronged approach—what we call “defense, offense, and dreaming”—to serve individual clients, build power, and catalyze systemic solutions.
In honor of Aaron Foley, Detroitology (DETROIT)
Saving gorillas is an important mission of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, but the value of this work is even more far reaching. When gorillas are protected, so are their forest habitats, which are critical ecosystems that support our planet and all life on earth.
Our holistic conservation efforts also directly help people and communities, improving the health and livelihoods of people who live near the gorillas and helping to build the next generation of conservationists in Africa.
In honor of Dr. Tara Stoinski, Gorillaology (GORILLAS)
Diving with a Purpose (DWP) is a 501c3 organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of submerged heritage resources by providing education, training, certification and field experience to adults and youth in the fields of maritime archaeology and ocean conservation. Our special focus is the protection, documentation and interpretation of African slave trade shipwrecks and the maritime history and culture of African-Americans who formed a core of labor and expertise for America’s maritime enterprises.
In honor of Chanelle Zaphiropoulos, Maritime Archaeology (SHIPWRECKS)
In honor of Chanelle Zaphiropoulos, Smologies #24: SHIPWRECKS
Doctors Without Borders brings medical humanitarian assistance to victims of conflict, natural disasters, epidemics and health care exclusion.
In honor of Dr. Alyssa Beall, Demonology (EVIL SPIRITS)
In honor of Dr. Emily Willingham, Phallology (PENISES)
In honor of Dr. Greg Gbur, Invisible Photology (INVISIBILITY CLOAKS)
In honor of Dr. Salima Ikram, Momiology (MUMMIFICATION)
Dogs Without Borders is a foster-based rescue in Los Angeles, pulling small breed dogs from LA area shelters, as well as working with international rescue partners to re-home dogs in need. DWB is proud to have placed over 6000 dogs since its inception, and will continue to rescue thousands more with the support of generous donations, fosters, and volunteers.
In honor of Alieology (YOUR HOST)
The Dolphin Communication Project's mission is to promote the scientific study of dolphins and inspire their conservation.
In honor of Dr. Justin Gregg, Delphinology (DOLPHINS)
Donate Life America is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization leading its national partners and Donate Life State Teams to increase the number of donated organs, eyes and tissues available to save and heal lives through transplantation while developing a culture where donation is embraced as a fundamental human responsibility.
In honor of Dr. Tom Volk, Mycology (MUSHROOMS)
DonorsChoose is committed to combating racial and socioeconomic inequity in school funding. Our team works to inspire as much support as possible for teachers of color and for schools that serve low-income communities and Black, Latinx, and Native American students.
In honor of Dr. Laurie Santos, Eudemonology (HAPPINESS)
The mission of the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation is to reduce burnout of health care professionals and safeguard their well-being and job satisfaction. We envision a world where seeking mental health services is universally viewed as a sign of strength for health care professionals.
In honor of Dr. Kandi Wiens, Ergopathology (BURNOUT)
Dress for Success is a global not-for-profit organization that empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.
In honor of Jamie & Filip Hord + Joe Ferrari, Oikology (DECLUTTERING)
Earthjustice is the premier nonprofit public interest environmental law organization. We wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people’s health, to preserve magnificent places and wildlife, to advance clean energy, and to combat climate change.
We are here because the earth needs a good lawyer.
In honor of Dr. Holly Bik, Benthopelagic Nematology (DEEP SEA WORMS)
The mission of Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center is to provide quality avalanche and snowpack information to local and visiting backcountry users in the Eastern Sierra Nevada with the goal of helping them make better decisions while traveling in avalanche terrain.
In honor of Dr. Ned Bair, Snow Hydrology (SNOW/AVALANCHES)
Ecology Project International is a nonprofit, educational organization like no other. Our mission is to improve and inspire science education and conservation efforts worldwide through field-based student-scientist partnerships. We empower youth to take an active role in conservation.
In honor of Andy Kramer, Island Ecology (ISLANDS)
Ecotrust’s mission is to inspire fresh thinking that creates economic opportunity, social equity, and environmental well-being. Our goal is to foster a natural model of development that creates more resilient communities, economies, and ecosystems here and around the world.
In honor of Casey Clapp, Dendrology (TREES)
The Edgewater Animal Shelter provides care and comfort to animals in need. Our mission is to engage the community in our effort to stop the killing of abandoned animals and place them in loving homes. We strive to educate and assist pet owners in providing preventative veterinary care to their pets, including vaccinations, heartworm and flea medications, microchips, grooming and spay and neuter surgery.
In honor of Dr. Elizabeth Congdon, Hydrochoerology (CAPYBARAS)
End The Backlog is a program of the Joyful Heart Foundation, a national non-profit organization founded by actress and activist Mariska Hargitay with the mission to transform society’s response to sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse, support survivors’ healing, and end this violence forever.
In honor of Erin Parisi, Addictionology (ADDICTION)
The Entertainment Community Fund fosters stability and resiliency, and provides a safety net for performing arts and entertainment professionals over their lifespan.
In honor of FIELD TRIP: A Hollywood Visit to the Writers Guild Strike Line
ethosDNA is a for purpose company dedicated to empowering the world by means of design nature and access.
In honor of Iddris Sandu, Architectural Technology (COMPUTER PROGRAMMING)
FailSafe-ERA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides reformative strategies to empower and restore hope to families impacted by incarceration through our Right Road and Caring Connections to Prevent Generations of Incarceration Programs. Our core purpose is to foster positive change in the lives of individuals and families affected by incarceration by providing strategies to improve outcomes.
In honor of René Brooks, Jessica McCabe, and Jahla Osborne, Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD)
FAST (Food Access and Sustainability Team) Blackfeet is a group of community leaders, health professionals, educators, and involved citizens within the Blackfeet Nation who are dedicated to:Identifying food insecurity in our communities. Exploring and implementing effective solutions related to access to healthy food and nutrition education. Addressing food sovereignty to ensure culturally relevant and affordable food for all.
In honor of Mariah Gladstone, Indigenous Cuisinology (NATIVE COOKING)
The mission of Feeding America: Riverside & San Bernardino is to alleviate hunger in the Inland Empire. We envision a community where everyone has access to an adequate and nutritious food supply.
In honor of Dr. Flip Tanedo, Scotohylology (DARK MATTER)
The Field Museum fuels a journey of discovery across time to enable solutions for a brighter future rich in nature and culture.
In honor of Dr. John Bates, Oology (EGGS)
The Fieldwork Initiative is a grassroots network of over 3,500 students and researchers facing trauma, unsafe conditions, or sexual harassment and assault during research fieldwork; buttressed by the voices of thousands of students and researchers still in need of support and intervention. The Fieldwork Initiative seeks to maintain a network for victims who have struggled with gendered violence while conducting research, as well as proliferate pre-fieldwork training seminars that break open the blackbox of data collection and shed light on the realities of trauma, racism, and gendered violence in the field.
In honor of Dr. Tina Lasisi, Melaninology (SKIN/HAIR PIGMENT)
Support the Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation as we continue providing Indigenous leadership, advocacy and action to protect Country through cultural fire and land management practices. Firesticks acknowledges Country and Traditional Custodians and serves under their authority. Firesticks is a proven methodology developed over thousands of years of continual practice and evolution.
In honor of Jarrah Dale, Dasyurology (TASMANIAN DEVILS)
The mission of Fontenelle Forest is to provide a place where people can experience and enjoy the quiet wild of nature. We want to inspire current and future generations to care for the natural world.
In honor of Dr. Amy Worthington, Behavioral Ecology (REPRODUCTIVE TRADEOFFS)
The Food Bank for New York City mission is to end hunger by organizing food, information and support for community survival, empowerment, and dignity.
In honor of Dr. Shannon Bennett & Dr. Mike Natter, Virology (COVID-19 UPDATE)
The Foundation for Science and Disability (FSD) was founded in 1975 as a non-profit organization to promote the integration of scientists with disabilities into all activities of the scientific community and of society as a whole and to promote the removal of barriers that hinder success of students with disabilities in pursuit of scientific careers.
In honor of Megan Lynch, Carobology (NOT-CHOCOLATE TREES)
Functional Magic is a Los Angeles based association of scientists, marketing execs, and television producers who want to create climate activist art that inspires regular folks to create a spectacular future. We were founded in 2019 by C. Andrew Hall, a longtime Phish fan who dreamed of mashing up his love for comic books, gig posters and Mondo prints with environmental advocacy.
In honor of FIELD TRIP: I Chase the 2024 Eclipse with Umbraphiles
The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media is the only research-based organization working from within the entertainment industry to improve gender balance, reduce stereotyping and create diverse female characters in entertainment and media targeting children 11 and under.
In honor of Dr. Crystal Dilworth, Molecular Neurobiology (BRAIN CHEMICALS)
Gender Reveal is a podcast for nonbinary folks, for people who don't know what "nonbinary" means, and everyone in between.
In honor of Rose Eveleth, Futurology (THE FUTURE)
Give exists to alleviate poverty by enabling the world to give. Established in 2000, Give, together with its partners, is the largest and most trusted giving platform in India.
India COVID Response Fund-1 was launched in April 2020 and supported relief initiatives that impacted 56L+ lives. With the second deadly wave, GiveIndia started ICRF-2 in April 2021 to help with oxygen and healthcare infrastructure and provide humanitarian aid such as food and cash relief to families of COVID-deceased.
In honor of various ologists, Quarantinology (UM, WHAT HAPPENS NOW?)
The Glioblastoma Research Organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization raising awareness and funds for new global, cutting-edge research to find a cure for glioblastoma. The organization was established in 2018 and, to date, has provided support to doctors and researchers through eight fully funded projects at leading cancer centers. The GBMRO has also raised over $1.5M+ in the last few years and has partnered with GBM-related projects around the globe.effective and make our world a better place.
In honor of Dr. Adrian Johns, Anagnosology (READING)
GlobalGiving is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. We help nonprofits from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (and hundreds of places in between) access the tools, training, and support they need to be more effective and make our world a better place.
In honor of Dr. Tom Hart, Penguinology (PENGUINS)
The mission of the Grady Health Foundation is to grow both philanthropic support and broad-based understanding of the critical role that Grady Health System plays in the metro Atlanta region.
In honor of India Jackson and Dr. Michael Kirk, Heliology (THE SUN/ECLIPSES)
Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue’s mission is to save the lives of homeless domestic and non-releasable pigeons and doves in the Great Lakes region, who otherwise would face euthanasia or a slow death from lack of care, by providing foster homes, adoption services, medical treatment, and compassionate education about the need for pigeon and dove rescue.
In honor of Rosemary Mosco, Columbidology (PIGEONS? YES)
The Group Against Smog and Pollution works to improve air quality to protect human, environmental, and economic health in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
In honor of Dr. Kimberly K. Garrett, Environmental Toxicology (POISONS + TRAIN DERAILMENT)
GPOCP’s mission is to protect orangutan populations and forest biodiversity in and around Gunung Palung National Park. Recognizing that most threats to orangutan survival are human induced, we take a multi-faceted community-based approach to orangutan conservation. We have developed a variety of initiatives that enable us to respond to both immediate threats to orangutan habitat (e.g., illegal land clearance) as well as longer-term ones (e.g., attitudes of villagers towards the forest).
In honor of Dr. Libby Ellwood, Phenology (FALL/SEASONS)
Our goal is to support healthcare and research initiatives that improve the health of the Hadza people and promote a better understanding of their culture. The Hadza Fund seeks to improve the health of the Hadza community by increasing access to and supporting the costs of medical care, and by supporting research that seeks to understand the context of Hadza health by documenting their way of life.
In honor of Dr. Herman Pontzer, Evolutionary Anthropology (METABOLISM)
Hawai'i Marine Animal Response (HMAR) is the largest Hawai'i-based nonprofit marine species conservation, education, field support, rescue and stranding response organization. Our mission is to undertake substantial actions that result in the preservation, recovery and stewardship of Hawaii’s protected marine species and the ocean ecosystem we share.
In honor of Dr. Camryn Allen, Cheloniology (SEA TURTLES)
HEARD is a cross-disability abolitionist organization that unites across identities, communities, movements, and borders to end ableism, racism, capitalism, and all other forms of oppression and violence.
In honor of Emily E. Ackerman, Systems Biology (MEDICAL MATHEMATICS)
In honor of Guinevere Chambers, Disability Sociology (DISABILITY PRIDE)
The mission of Helping Women Period is to provide no cost menstrual products to those experiencing homeless or low-income disparity.
In honor of Joshua Torres & Sabah Ul-Hasan, Conotoxinology (CONE SNAIL VENOM)
The Henry Ford provides unique educational experiences based on authentic objects, stories, and lives from America’s traditions of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and innovation. Our purpose is to inspire people to learn from these traditions to help shape a better future.
In honor of Matt Anderson, Ferroequinology (TRAINS)
Home Base, a Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Program, is dedicated to healing the invisible wounds for Veterans of all eras, Service Members, Military Families and Families of the Fallen through world-class clinical care, wellness, education and research.
In honor of Dr. Mary Alexis Iaccarino, Neuropathology (CONCUSSIONS)
Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world. We are roughly 550 people of 70-plus nationalities who are country experts, lawyers, journalists, and others who work to protect the most at risk, from vulnerable minorities and civilians in wartime, to refugees and children in need. In order to maintain our independence, we accept no money from any government.
We rely solely on the generosity of people like you to defend human rights.
In honor of Dr. Nita Farahany, Neurotechnology (AI + BRAIN TECH)
In honor of Dr. Charles Grob, Psychedeliology (HALLUCINOGENS)
We at Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS) strive to provide physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual growth, development, and healing through culturally-based values and guiding principles for Survivors, Families, and Communities.
In honor of Amy Christianson, Indigenous Fire Ecology (GOOD FIRE)
Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) is an Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors and land defenders from communities and regions across the country. We believe that Indigenous Peoples’ rights and knowledge systems are critical to developing solutions to the climate crisis and achieving climate justice.
In honor of Leigh Joseph, Ethnoecology (ETHNOBOTANY / NATIVE PLANTS)
Inside Books Project is an Austin-based community service volunteer organization that sends free books and educational materials to prisoners in Texas. Inside Books is the only books-to-prisoners program in Texas, where over 140,000 people are incarcerated. Inside Books Project works to promote reading, literacy, and education among incarcerated individuals and to educate the general public on issues of incarceration.
In honor of Stephanie Phillips, BlackAFinSTEM
The mission of the Institute for Challenging Disorganization is to provide education, research and strategies to benefit people affected by chronic disorganization, and the professionals who work with them.
In honor of Jamie & Filip Hord + Joe Ferrari, Oikology (DECLUTTERING)
Institute for Sustainable Communities is an international, non-profit organization with a mission to support communities by creating, implementing, and scaling equitable climate change mitigation and resilience solutions for those most profoundly impacted by the global climate crisis by forming collaborative, people-focused partnerships.
In honor of Dr. Marshall Shepherd, Meteorology (WEATHER & CLIMATE)
InterAct is a theatre for today's world, dedicated to commissioning, developing, and producing new and contemporary plays that explore the social, political, and cultural issues of our time, and to improving the regional climate for new plays.
In honor of Dr. Paul Rozin, Disgustology (REPULSION TO GROSS STUFF)
The International Association for Geoscience Diversity (IAGD) provides accessible opportunities for students with disabilities and inclusive instructional resources for teachers, both in and out of the Earth Science classroom.
In honor of Celeste Labedz, Cryoseismology (ICEQUAKES)
As an educational nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) focuses most of its resources into providing the highest quality information available about NDE-related subjects. It is the only such membership group in the world.
In addition to maintaining this information-rich website, IANDS publishes a peer-reviewed scholarly journal and a member magazine, sponsors conferences and other programs, works with the media, and encourages the formation of regional discussion and support groups.
In honor of Dr. Bruce Greyson, Quasithanatology (NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES)
Founded in 1990, the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) is the first and largest global organization focusing specifically on multiple myeloma. The IMF’s reach extends to more than 525,000 members in 140 countries worldwide. The IMF is dedicated to improving the quality of life of myeloma patients while working toward prevention and a cure through our four founding principles: Research, Education, Support, and Advocacy.
In honor of Dr. Ronda Alexander, Laryngology (VOICE BOXES)
In honor of Life Advice (Alie’s Hacks for the Tired)
In honor of Dr. W. Chris Winter, Somnology (SLEEP)
In honor of Dr. Jeff Holdeman, Vampirology (VAMPIRES)
The mission of the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is to ensure that no one affected by OCD and related disorders suffers alone. Our community provides help, healing, and hope.surgical and eyeglass teams; shipments of medicines to rural hospitals and clinics; and health, nutrition and education support for vulnerable populations.
In honor of Dr. Paul Rozin, Disgustology (REPULSION TO GROSS STUFF)
During disasters, International Relief Teams deploys medical and reconstruction teams, provides supplies, and finances the restoration of infrastructure. IRT builds healthy communities through medical training programs; medical missions to low-income countries, including surgical and eyeglass teams; shipments of medicines to rural hospitals and clinics; and health, nutrition and education support for vulnerable populations.
In honor of Chris Giesige, Fulminology (LIGHTNING)
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) helps people affected by humanitarian crises—including the climate crisis—to survive, recover and rebuild their lives.
In honor of Dr. W. Scott Poole, Teratology (MONSTERS)
The International Society for Stem Cell Research fosters the exchange and dissemination of information and ideas relating to stem cells, encourages the general field of research involving stem cells and promotes professional and public education in all areas of stem cell research and medical application.
In honor of Dr. Samantha Yammine, Stem Cell Biology (CELLS MAKING CELLS)
The InterTribal Buffalo Council (ITBC) is a collection of 69 federally recognized Tribes from 19 different states whose mission is to restore buffalo to Indian Country in order to preserve our historical, cultural, traditional, and spiritual relationship for future generations. To reestablish healthy buffalo populations on Tribal lands is to reestablish hope for Indian people. By returning the buffalo to Tribal lands will help heal the land, the animal, and the spirit of the Indian people.
In honor of various bisonologists, Bisonology (BUFFALO)
Island Conservation’s mission is to prevent extinctions by removing invasive species from islands.
In honor of Andy Kramer, Island Ecology (ISLANDS)
Islands & Seas is changing the way science, adventure and education come together to create positive change in some of the most amazing places on earth! Islands & Seas is creating a network of small field stations worldwide. These dual purpose stations serve as research facilities for scientists working in the area and centers for science and environmental education.
In honor of Lauren Esposito, Scorpiology (SCORPIONS)
The Dr. Hodges "It Takes a Village" Foundation was founded in 2011 by Dr. Vernard Hodges. The Foundation instructs children in all aspects of business fundamentals, and then helps them to come up with ideas for their own businesses. Once a child produces a business idea, the Foundation assists him in starting up and financing the business.
In honor of Dr. Vernard Hodges & Dr. Terrence Ferguson, Veterinary Biology (CRITTER FIXING)
JDRF is the leading global organization harnessing the power of research, advocacy, and community engagement to advance life-changing breakthroughs for type 1 diabetes (T1D).
In honor of Dr. Mike Natter, Diabetology (BLOOD SUGAR)
The mission of Kauluakalana mission is to restore and grow healthy relationships between people and place through the aloha ʻāina practices of retelling our Kailua-specific stories, replanting and eating our ancestral foods, and caring for the sacred sites, lands, and waters of our beloved ahupuaʻa of Kailua.
In honor of Hali’a Eastburn, Carnivorous Phytobiology (MEAT-EATING PLANTS)
Kitten Central is a non-profit team of fosters and medical staff that specialize in caring for neonatal (newborn) kittens. We run a specialized, private, non-profit animal hospital with help from our volunteers and donors. We support our local shelters by providing around the clock care to their youngest felines.
In honor of Mikel Delgado, Felinology (CATS)
The Laryngology Education Foundation Health Equity Grant is to support endeavors that increase understanding and awareness of how racial disparities impact Laryngology and Speech-Language Pathology care in the US, specifically for patients of the Black diaspora (African American, Black American, Caribbean American, Afro-Latinx, etc.), and initiatives that address these disparities in our communities.
In honor of Dr. Ronda Alexander, Laryngology (VOICE BOXES)
The mission of Letters to a Pre-Scientist is to facilitate one-on-one connections to humanize STEM professionals, demystify STEM career pathways, and inspire all students to explore a future in STEM.
In honor of Dr. Karen Munroe, Sciuridology (SQUIRRELS)
Lincoln Park Zoo is dedicated to connecting people with nature by providing a free, family-oriented wildlife experience in the heart of Chicago and by advancing the highest quality of animal care, education, science and conservation.
In honor of Dr. Rachel Santymire, Scatology (POOP)
Since the Covid19 emergency of 2020, Little Herds has shifted focus from helping people eat insects, to just helping people eat.
Little Herds is currently co-organizing and collaborating with local incentives that are focused on supporting quality food security and accessibility to community members that need it most.
In honor of Dr. Julie Lesnik, Entomophagy Anthropology (EATING BUGS)
LOLLIPOP is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to bringing current movies and entertainment to children confined to hospitals nationwide due to chronic or life-threatening illnesses.
In honor of David Kwong, Enigmatology (WORD PUZZLES)
Since 1973, the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank has worked to mobilize resources in the community to alleviate hunger. Vision: No one goes hungry in Los Angeles County.
In honor of Dr. Mike Wells, All (Washed) Hands on Deck
In honor of Dr. Tara Stoinski, Gorillaology (GORILLAS)
Lower Muskingum Conservancy is a land trust committed to conserving and protecting natural areas in the lower Muskingum River Watershed for all to enjoy. We acquire land with conservation value which contains headwaters and water filtering plants and trees to protect water quality. Our land also holds rich biodiversity, including many vital pollinator species which are in decline nationwide.
In honor of Dr. Derek Hennen, Diplopodology (MILLIPEDES & CENTIPEDES)
In the fall of 2018, Springboard To Opportunities announced The Magnolia Mother’s Trust, a new initiative that provides low-income, Black mothers in Jackson, Mississippi $1,000 cash on a monthly basis, no strings attached, for 12 months straight. While there have been several initiatives for a guaranteed income worldwide, this is the first that specifically targets extremely low-income families headed by a Black female living in affordable housing in the United States.
In honor of Rose Eveleth, Futurology (THE FUTURE)
Mahaliana Labs offers veterinary services, laboratory analyses and training to advance scientific research and wildlife conservation in Madagascar. Our mission is to advance conservation science in Madagascar while leveling the playing field for Malagasy scientists.
In honor of Lydia Greene, Lemurology (LEMURS)
The Make Tiny Changes Fund supports innovative ideas and projects that make tiny changes towards equality and mental health for young people in Scotland.
In honor of Gabe Cook, Ciderology (DELICIOUS APPLE BEVERAGES)
Malaria No More envisions a world where no one dies from a mosquito bite. More than a decade into our mission, our work has contributed to historic progress toward this goal. Now, we’re mobilizing the political commitment, funding, and innovation required to achieve what would be one of the greatest humanitarian accomplishments – ending malaria within our generation.
In honor of Dr. Fhallon Ware-Gilmore, Culicidology (MOSQUITOES)
The Marsha P. Johnson Institute (MPJI) protects and defends the human rights of BLACK transgender people. We do this by organizing, advocating, creating an intentional community to heal, developing transformative leadership, and promoting our collective power.
In honor of Daniel Pfau, Neuroendocrinology (SEX & GENDER)
In honor of Dr. Samantha Yammine, Stem Cell Biology (CELLS MAKING CELLS)
The Marshall Project is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the U.S. criminal justice system. We achieve this through award-winning journalism, partnerships with other news outlets and public forums. In all of our work we strive to educate and enlarge the audience of people who care about the state of criminal justice.
In honor of Mindy Romero, Political Sociology (VOTER TURNOUT & SUPPRESSION)
The mission of Math Circles of Chicago is to create opportunities for all children across Chicago to develop a passion for mathematics.
Math Circles of Chicago works alongside students in grades 3-12, with a particular focus on reaching Black and Latino students and other students who live in households with low incomes.
In honor of Dr. Eugenia Cheng, Abstract Mathematology (UH, IS MATH REAL?)
The mission of Meals on Wheels America is to empower local community programs to improve the health and quality of life of the seniors they serve so that no one is left hungry or isolated.
In honor of Phil Torres, Lepidopterology (BUTTERFLIES)
The mission of Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation is inspiring bat conservation worldwide. Relying on a powerful combination of science, field knowledge and photography, MTBC is helping save millions of bats, protecting public health, economies and worldwide ecosystems by teaching people to live harmoniously with bats.
In honor of Dr. Merlin Tuttle, Chiropterology (BATS)
Mindat.org is the world’s leading authority on minerals and their localities, deposits, and mines worldwide.
Mindat.org’s mission is to advance the world’s understanding of minerals.
Mindat.org has been collecting, organising, and sharing mineral information since October 2000. It is now an essential resource used daily throughout education, academia, and industry.
In honor of Schmitty Thompson, Geology (ROCKS)
The mission of the Minnesota Architectural Foundation (MAF) is to invest in excellence, leadership, discovery and equity in the profession of architecture through a variety of sources and outstanding programs. Your financial support allows MAF to continue to fund these programs. Help us support current and future practitioners and make Minnesota architecture exemplary in our profession.
In honor of Dale Mulfinger, Cabinology (CABINS)
MISS provides a community and funding opportunities for gender minorities of color who wish to enter the field of shark sciences. We aim to show that there are many gender minorities of color succeeding in and interested in this field.
In honor of MISS_Elasmo, Elasmobranchology (MORE SHARK STORIES)
In honor of Chris Lowe, Selachimorphology (SHARKS)
In honor of various ologists, Summersode: Balmy Vibes & Seasonal Factoids
Monell Center’s mission is to improve health and well-being by advancing the scientific understanding of taste, smell, and related senses.
In honor of Dr. Gary Beauchamp, Gustology (TASTE)
The Mother Tree Project is investigating forest renewal practices that will protect biodiversity, carbon storage and forest regeneration as climate changes.
This field-based research compares various retention levels of Mother Trees (large, old trees) and their neighbours, as well as regenerating seedling mixtures, in Douglas-fir forests located across nine climatic regions in British Columbia.
In honor of Jeff Perry, Xylology (LUMBER)
The Mount St. Joseph University School of Behavioral & Natural Sciences aims to cultivate an understanding and appreciation of the creative and critical nature of scientific thought. Students acquire basic scientific knowledge and the ability to think critically, to interpret observations, and to clearly and concisely express ideas.
In honor of Dr. Gene Kritsky, Cicadology (CICADAS)
Mudgin-Gal meaning ‘Women’s Place’ is an Aboriginal organisation delivering support, referrals and community-based services to Aboriginal women and families in inner city Sydney since 1992. It aims to build the capability of Aboriginal women and families through the delivery of skills-based programs, whilst also providing a safe space for vulnerable women.
In honor of Fio Gede Parma, Witchology (WITCHES & WITCHCRAFT)
Through participatory public art, Mural Arts Philadelphia inspires change in people, place, and practice, creating opportunity for a more just and equitable Philadelphia.
In honor of FIELD TRIP: I Take You to the Making of a Mural
Founded in 1932, the Mycological Society of America is a group of mycologists. Students of the Fungi, mycologues, mycophiles, fungal biologists, and all persons with a personal or professional interest in fungi are cordially invited to apply for membership in the Mycological Society of America, the international professional organization that is home to mycologists based in the United States and Canada. The MSA has members from more than 40 countries, who come from academic, industrial, medical, governmental, and amateur backgrounds.
The purpose of the Society is to promote and advance the science of mycology and to foster and encourage research and education in mycology in all its aspects. Members of the MSA meet annually to exchange information and build understanding of fungi.
In honor of Dr. Tom Volk, Mycology (MUSHROOMS)
NaNoWriMo is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that believes in the transformational power of creativity. We provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people use their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and off the page.
In honor of Dr. Jeff Holdeman, Vampirology (VAMPIRES)
The mission of NBLSA is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black and minority attorneys who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.
In honor of Dr. Robert Proctor, Agnotology (IGNORANCE)
National Energy Action is the national charity working to end fuel poverty in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We offer advice and support to fuel-poor households in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as advocating for policy and regulation to protect the most vulnerable households. We also offer training to frontline staff of other organisations, to they can best support fuel-poor households.
In honor of James Burke, Syndesiology (CONNECTIONS)
The mission of the National Institute on Drug Abuse is to advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health.
In honor of Erin Parisi, Addictionology (ADDICTION)
The vision of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is bold: A world free of MS. We will cure MS while empowering people affected by MS to live their best lives.
In honor of Life Advice (Alie’s Hacks for the Tired)
The National Wildlife Federation believes America’s experience with cherished landscapes and wildlife has helped define and shape our national character and identity for generations. Protecting these natural resources is a cause that has long united Americans from all walks of life and political stripes. To hunters, anglers, hikers, birders, wildlife watchers, boaters, climbers, campers, cyclists, gardeners, farmers, forest stewards, and other outdoor enthusiasts, this conservation ethic represents a sacred duty and obligation to protect and build upon our conservation heritage for the sake of wildlife, ourselves, our neighbors, and—most of all—for future generations.
Inspiring a lifelong connection with wildlife and wild places through Ranger Rick* children's publications, products, and activities.
The wildlife crossing at Liberty Canyon is a public/private partnership and is supported by a large coalition and community of organizations, businesses, individuals and elected officials. The #SaveLACougars** campaign was founded by a partnership of the National Wildlife Federation and the Santa Monica Mountains Fund.
*In honor of Solomon David, Garology (LONG CUTE ANCIENT BOOPABLE NIGHTMARE FISH)
**In honor of Miguel Ordeñana & Beth Pratt, P-22: The Life & Death of an L.A. Cougar
The Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County (NHMLAC) include the Natural History Museum in Exposition Park, La Brea Tar Pits in Hancock Park/Mid-Wilshire, and the William S. Hart Museum in Newhall.
We protect and share more than 35 million specimens and artifacts, the largest natural and cultural history collection in the western United States. But we also explore the nature and culture that surrounds us today, both in L.A. and the world.
In honor of Michael Habib, Paleontology (DINOSAURS)
In honor of Jann Vendetti, Malacology (SNAILS & SLUGS)
In honor of Adam Wall, Carcinology (CRABS)
The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. Our mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.
In honor of Eddie Game, Acoustic Ecology (NATURE RECORDINGS)
The mission of No Canyon Hills is to conserve the Verdugo Mountains: Fernandeño Tataviam and Gabrieleno Tongva land. California native plants thrive here; important ecosystems support an abundance of life here. This range provides crucial habitat for L.A.’s threatened cougar population, including #LaTunaPuma.
In honor of Krystle Hickman, Native Melittology (INDIGENOUS BEES)
No Kid Hungry is a national campaign run by Share Our Strength, a nonprofit working to solve problems of hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world.
In honor of Oné Pagán, Planariology (VERY COOL WORMS, I PROMISE)
The mission of the North American Sarracenia Conservancy is to serve as a living record of the taxonomic, morphological and genetic diversity of the genus Sarracenia for purposes of conservation and cultivation.
In honor of Hali’a Eastburn, Carnivorous Phytobiology (MEAT-EATING PLANTS)
The NXT Generation Mortuary Support “Hi Precious” Scholarship is helping to break down social, racial, and political barriers and offer female and transgender individuals the opportunity to gain advanced technical training and management skills in funeral service.
In honor of Monica Torres, Desairology (MORTUARY MAKE-UP)
For almost 50 years, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates has been dedicated to advancing the social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs).
In honor of Joshua Torres & Sabah Ul-Hasan, Conotoxinology (CONE SNAIL VENOM)
Ocean Exploration Trust and the Nautilus Exploration Program seek out new discoveries in geology, biology, and archaeology while conducting scientific exploration of the seafloor.
In honor of Tim Winegard, Hagfishology (HAGFISH)
The Opossum Society of the United States was formed by a group of concerned citizens interested in rescuing orphaned and injured opossums. Our network of volunteers rehabilitate opossums for return to the environment. We receive thousands every year from animal shelters, veterinarians and concerned citizens. Other volunteers present educational programs to schools and organizations. We also serve as a valuable reference source for veterinarians, wildlife rehabilitators and the public.
In honor of Lisa Walsh, Opossumology (O/POSSUMS)
The Ornithological Council is a consortium of scientific ornithological societies in the Western Hemisphere. Our mission is to: Ensure that the best ornithological science is incorporated into legislative, regulatory, and management decisions that affect birds; Enhance the ability of ornithologists to pursue professional activities; and Promote the influence of ornithology in public affairs.
BIRDNET is an online repository of information about the science of ornithology, and about issues of interest to ornithologists. BIRDNET has been created, and is maintained, by the Ornithological Council as a service to ornithologists and the general public.
In honor of Dr. Allison Shultz, Plumology (FEATHERS)
In honor of John McCormack, Evolutionary Biology (DARWINISM)
Ovarian Cancer Australia is an independent national not-for-profit organisation, supporting women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Our focus is to provide care and support for those affected by ovarian cancer; and represent them by leading change.
In honor of Dr. Nathalie Nagalingum, Cycadology (RARE PLANT DRAMA)
Paepae o He’eia is a private non-profit organization dedicated to caring for He’eia Fishpond – an ancient Hawaiian fishpond located in He’eia Uli, Ko’olaupoko, O’ahu
In honor of Shayle Matsuda, Cnidariology (CORALS)
Palomacy is a volunteer-powered, donation-funded foster-based nonprofit rescue saving the lives of domestic (unreleasable) birds that are lost, injured, displaced & abandoned. We provide rescue, foster care, avian vet treatment and adoption services in Northern California as well as 24/7/365 care coaching, referrals, advocacy and education nationwide via our online Help Group and website resources. Palomacy’s foster volunteers care for a caseload of approximately 170 birds at any given time and are the heart and soul of the rescue.
In honor of Rosemary Mosco, Columbidology (PIGEONS? YES)
As the largest association of wildlife centers in Africa, the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance includes 22 member organizations in 13 countries across Africa that call on PASA for support on a wide range of issues. PASA advocates for our members on an international scale, provides them with vital support, and works closely with them to raise awareness globally about wildlife conservation issues.
In honor of Lara Durgavich, Biological Anthropology (SEXY APES)
The Parkinson’s Foundation makes life better for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) by improving care and advancing research toward a cure. In everything we do, we build on the energy, experience and passion of our global Parkinson’s community.
In honor of Dr. Susan K. Brown, Pomology (APPLES)
The mission of Partners In Health is to provide a preferential option for the poor in health care. By establishing long-term relationships with sister organizations based in settings of poverty, PIH strives to achieve two overarching goals: to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair.
In honor of Dr. Russell Barkley, Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD)
In honor of Meredith Levine, Fanthropology (FANDOM)
The mission of the PBS Foundation is to be a leader for philanthropic support of public broadcasting, and to ensure that PBS continues to be an excellent provider of outstanding programs and services. Acting collaboratively and cooperatively with PBS member stations, the Foundation works to secure the extraordinary funding necessary to maintain and enhance PBS’s commitment to serving the American public.
In honor of Rebecca Lai, Potterology (WIZARD SCIENCE)
Performance Space New York provides incomparable experiences for audiences by presenting and commissioning artists whose work challenges boundaries of live performance. Performance Space New York is dedicated to supporting the creative risks taken by artists from diverse genres, cultures and perspectives. We are an innovative local, national and international leader in contemporary performance.
In honor of Neil Pasricha, Awesomeology (GRATITUDE FOR LITTLE THINGS)
Penguin Watch is just one of over 80 live Zooniverse projects. The Zooniverse is the world’s largest and most popular platform for people-powered research. This research is made possible by volunteers — hundreds of thousands of people around the world who come together to assist professional researchers. Our goal is to enable research that would not be possible, or practical, otherwise.
In honor of Dr. Tom Hart, Penguinology (PENGUINS)
The Peregrine Fund’s mission is to conserve birds of prey worldwide.
In honor of Field Trip: Birds of Prey and Raptor Facts
Pet Helpers’ mission is to end the euthanasia of all adoptable cats and dogs in Charleston, SC by operating a no-kill shelter, promoting forever adoptions and humane education, and providing low-cost spay/neuter surgeries.
In honor of Dr. W. Scott Poole, Teratology (MONSTERS)
Since 1987, Philadelphia Young Playwrights (PYP) has partnered with educators to bring the transformative power of playwriting into classrooms and community settings across Greater Philadelphia. Placing students at the center of their learning, PYP's intensive writing residencies advance writing-based literacy skills while developing critical 21st century skills like creativity, communication, and collaboration.
In honor of Dr. Gary Beauchamp, Gustology (TASTE)
The Planetary Society continues its work under the leadership of CEO Bill Nye, as the world’s largest and most influential non-profit space organization. The organization is supported by over 50,000 members in over 100 countries. We introduce people to the wonders of the cosmos, bridging the gap between the scientific community and the general public to inspire and educate people from all walks of life.
In honor of Bill Nye, Pedagogy (SCIENCE COMMUNICATION)
In honor of Raquel Nuno, Selenology (THE MOON)
For the past century, Planned Parenthood has transformed women's health and empowered millions of people worldwide to make informed health decisions, forever changing the way they live, love, learn and work. This donation will help fight to ensure all people can access quality, affordable health care, no matter what.
In honor of Dr. Alyssa Beall, Demonology (EVIL SPIRITS)
In honor of Dr. Erin-Marie Legacey, Metropolitan Tombology (PARIS CATACOMBS)
Point Foundation identifies and builds the next generation of LGBTQ leaders, providing critical financial support to pursue their associate, bachelor’s, or graduate degrees.
In honor of Shayle Matsuda, Cnidariology (CORALS)
In honor of Dr. Flip Tanedo, Scotohylology (DARK MATTER)
POPS the Club cultivates an inclusive space for youth who have been stigmatized and silenced by their experiences with the carceral system. Our clubs build positive self-identity through peer and adult support and understanding fostered by shared experiences. We empower students to achieve their full potential by creating a loving community and encouraging self-expression.
In honor of Helen Zaltzman, Etymology (WORD ORIGINS)
Project Chimps provides lifelong care to former research chimpanzees at its 236-acre forested sanctuary in the Blue Ridge Mountains. With your donations you can help get them from the lab to their forever home.
In honor of Natalia Reagan, Gluteology (BUTTS)
The Project for Awesome is a project of the Foundation to Decrease World Suck, a Montana-based 501(c)3 charitable organization. You can see a list of all the charities to which the FTDWS has disbursed money in the past here.
In honor of Raven “The Science Maven” Baxter, Molecular Biology (PROTEINS + SCIENCE COMMUNICATION)
The Public Health Advocacy Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization dedicated to using law and policy to reduce addiction, death and disease caused by dangerous for-profit products and policies such as tobacco, obesogenic foods and beverages, sun lamps, motor vehicles, and working conditions.
In honor of Dr. Robert Proctor, Agnotology (IGNORANCE)
As we fight Climate Change globally while building climate resilience locally, Rare Charitable Research Reserve strives to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations to ensure peace, health and prosperity for all the people of this planet, now and for the future.
In honor of Dr. Madhur Anand, Theoretical & Creative Ecology (SCIENCE & ECOPOETRY)
The mission of ReClam the Bay is to involve and educate the public about the estuary’s water quality and the importance of shellfish. We believe that by involving the public in the care, feeding, and life cycles of the shellfish they will better understand what an integral role shellfish have in our lives.
In honor of Dr. Samantha Lynch, Pectinidology (SCALLOPS)
The Red Wolf Coalition advocates for the long-term survival of red wolf populations by teaching about the red wolf and by fostering public involvement in red wolf conservation.
In honor of Dr. Bridgett vonHoldt, Lupinology (WOLVES)
Rising Hearts is an Indigenous led grassroots organization committed to the heart work in elevating Indigenous voices, promoting, and supporting intersectional collaborative efforts across all forms of movements in cultivating community with the goals of racial, social, climate and economic justice.
In honor of Dr. Lydia Jennings, Indigenous Pedology (SOIL SCIENCE)
Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance’s mission is to increase and enhance the management, range, and populations of Rocky Mountain Goats across both native and suitable non-native North American habitats without negatively impacting native ungulates while educating the public of ongoing conservation projects and petitioning for the expansion of sustainable hunting opportunities across the continent.
In honor of Julie Cunningham, Oreamnology (MOUNTAIN GOATS ARE NOT GOATS)
SACNAS is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.
In honor of Dr. Katherine Hatcher, Chronobiology (CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS)
By empowering and equipping Black women in quantitative and behavioral sciences, The Sadie Collective addresses the pipeline and pathway problem in economics, finance, data science, and public policy through programming and mentorship. While we primarily serve and address the needs of Black women and youth, The Sadie Collective is always open and welcoming to all.
In honor of Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman & Steven Levitt, Economic Sociology (MONEY/FREAKONOMICS)
The Sagan Kotturan Chamoru center serves as a co-operative site which hosts CHamoru artisans and cultural practitioners who wish to develop and exhibit their art form and those who wish to share and sharpen their skills in traditional methods of farming, cooking, and healing.
In honor of James C. Bamba, Canistrumology (BASKET WEAVING)
The Sanitation Foundation is the official non-profit partner of the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY). Our mission is simple: keep the city clean while celebrating and supporting the essential Sanitation workforce and advancing the City’s ambitious zero-waste agenda.
In honor of Robin Nagle, Discard Anthropology (GARBAGE)
The Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal’s primary goal is to raise funds to support the urgent research and conservation needs of the endangered Tasmanian devil. Coordinated by the University of Tasmania, each year the Appeal delivers grants and scholarships to researchers working towards informing management activities by addressing challenges such as habitat loss, roadkill, and of course the devastating effects of Devil Facial Tumour Diseases (DFTD).
In honor of Jarrah Dale, Dasyurology (TASMANIAN DEVILS)
The School of American Thanatology seeks to provide inclusive and accessible educational opportunities in and adjacent to the fields of thanatology, deathwork and thanabotany while also fostering research and writing opportunities for our community.
In honor of various ologists, Quarantinology (UM, WHAT HAPPENS NOW?)
In honor of Cole Imperi, Thanatology (DEATH & DYING)
SCI Foundation is a non-profit initiative supporting governments in sub-Saharan African countries. We support them to develop sustainable, cost-effective programmes against parasitic worm infections such as schistosomiasis and intestinal worms. (SCI Foundation is now Unlimit Health.)
In honor of Anouk N. Gouvras, Bilharziology (BLOOD FLUKES)
The Science Haven is dedicated to democratizing science, fostering curiosity, and bridging the gap between complex scientific concepts and the public — making science accessible, engaging, and meaningful for all.
In honor of Dr. Ronald Gamble, Jr., Black Hole Theory Cosmology (WHAT ARE BLACK HOLES?!)
In honor of Andragogology (300TH EPISODE SPECIAL)
Sea Otter Savvy fosters awareness and stewardship in central California coastal communities and the wildlife-viewing public to reduce human-sea otter conflict and disturbance and increase an ethic of co-existence.
In honor of Dr. Chris J. Law, Lutrinology (OTTERS)
Second-Hen'd is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization focused on re-homing spent hens while educating others and highlighting the therapeutic benefits associated with Chicken Therapy. PTSD, anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism, and memory-loss are just some of the issues that have shown improvement when caring for chickens.
In honor of Tove Danovich, Chickenology (HENS & ROOSTERS)
Seeding Sovereignty is a multi-lens collective that works to radicalize and disrupt colonized spaces through land, body, and food sovereignty work, community building, and cultural preservation. By investing in Indigenous folks and communities of the global majority, we cross the threshold of liberation together.
In honor of Leigh Joseph, Ethnoecology (ETHNOBOTANY / NATIVE PLANTS)
The SEEDS field trip endowment is designed to provide quality field experiences to undergraduates, including those who didn't have an 'outdoorsy' experience as kids. This can help make our academic community more equitable, as I do believe that many ecologists should have the opportunity to spend time with other ecologists in natural areas.
In honor of Dr. Terry McGlynn, Myrmecology (ANTS)
SEM Link’s mission is to strengthen the self-efficacy of K-12 students to pursue STEM careers by exposing them to positive adult role models from the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) community that increase students’ awareness of STEM careers and encourage their participation in STEM Research through digital learning and hands-on activities.
In honor of Dr. Danielle N. Lee, Mammalogy (MAMMALS)
In honor of Dr. Danielle N. Lee, Smologies #23: MAMMALS
ShoreRivers protects and restores Eastern Shore waterways through science-based advocacy, restoration, and education.
In honor of Dr. Amy Kirby, Environmental Microbiology (TESTING WASTEWATER FOR DISEASES)
Since opening our first hospital in 1922, Shriners Children’s has been devoted to providing high-quality specialty medical care to the children and families who come to us, regardless of their ability to pay or insurance status. Our three-part mission has one goal: to change and improve lives. We do this by caring for our patients, conducting research to gain knowledge and develop new treatments, and providing educational opportunities for physicians and other healthcare professionals.
In honor of Anne Copeland, Cucurbitology (PUMPKINS)
Skype a Scientist has a database of thousands of scientists and helps them connect with classrooms, families, libraries, scout troops, and more all over the globe! We give students the opportunity to get to know a real scientist and get the answers to their questions straight from the source.
In honor of Dr. Sarah McAnulty, Teuthology (SQUIDS)
In honor of Anna Klompen, Toxinology (JELLYFISH VENOM)
In honor of Corina Newsome, Wildlife Ecology (FIELDWORK)
In honor of Schmitty Thompson, Geology (ROCKS)
In honor of Conrad Benner, Modern Toichographology (MURALS & STREET ART)
The Slave Dwelling Project envisions a future in which the hearts and minds of Americans acknowledge a more truthful and inclusive narrative of the history of the nation that honors the contributions of all our people, is embedded and preserved in the buildings and artifacts of people of African heritage, and inspires all Americans to acknowledge their Ancestors.
In honor of Dale Mulfinger, Cabinology (CABINS)
The Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) brings together scholars working to improve methods and practices in psychological science. Anyone interested in improving psychological research is welcome to join, regardless of experience. SIPS is a service organization aiming to make psychological science higher quality and more cumulative by pursuing activities.
In honor of Dr. Simine Vazire, Personality Psychology (PERSONALITIES)
Society for Neuroscience exists to: Advance scientific exchange; Support the neuroscience community; Educate and engage the public; and Advocate for the field.
In honor of Field Trip: An Airport Full of Neuroscientists
The Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) is dedicated to promoting research on biological sex differences in disease and improving women’s health through science, policy, and education.
In honor of Dr. Nicole Ackermans, Bovine Neuropathology (HEADBUTTING)
soQuiet offers advocacy, support, and resources for people who suffer from misophonia so that they may lead productive and serene lives.
In honor of Dr. Jane Gregory, Misophonology (DISTRACTING SOUND & NOISE RAGE)
The eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) consists of two color morphs: gray and black. Squirrels of different colors occur in very different patterns in different neighborhoods…why? Help SquirrelMapper find out. Together we can crack this nut!
In honor of Dr. Karen Munroe, Sciuridology (SQUIRRELS)
The mission of STEM Advocacy Institute (SAi) is to enable and accelerate the building of new tools and programs that expand pathways of access & engagement between people and science around the world.
In honor of Katherine Hatcher, Chronobiology (CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS)
ESF is one of the nation's premier colleges focused on the study of the environment, developing renewable technologies, and building a sustainable future. We work to address the Earth’s most pressing problems — and students come here because they want to be part of the solution.
In honor of Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, Bryology (MOSS)
Techbridge Girls excites, educates, and equips girls from low-income communities by delivering high-quality STEM programming that empowers a girl to achieve economic mobility and better life chances.
In honor of Dr. Adam Becker, Quantum Ontology (WHAT IS REAL?)
Contributions allow the Forensic Anthropology Center to continue to provide no or low cost body donations for individuals and families, high quality training for law enforcement, equipment for scientific research, and support for our students.
In honor of Dr. Daniel Westcott, Osteology (BONES)
TickEncounter promotes tick-bite protection and tickborne disease prevention by engaging, educating, and empowering people to take action.
In honor of Dr. Neeta Pardanani Connally, Acaropathology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE)
Toronto Wildlife Centre promotes the peaceful coexistence of people and wildlife by providing education and expert advice about wildlife situations, and providing medical care to sick, injured and orphaned wild animals with the ultimate goal of releasing healthy animals back into the wild.
In honor of Dr. Suzanne MacDonald, Procyonology (RACCOONS)
Tracker Certification is a 501c3 nonprofit organization providing education, resources, support, and professional certification for all who aim to improve their skills as wildlife trackers, and facilitating the advancement and application of professional wildlife tracking skills.
In honor of Rob Rich, Castorology (BEAVERS)
We provide information & support to LGBTQ young people 24/7, all year round. The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicide among LGBTQ young people.
In honor of Bonus Episode: Secrets, Advice + Ask-Me-Anything
In honor of Guinevere Chambers, Disability Sociology (DISABILITY PRIDE)
The CNLM’s mission is to “crack the memory code”. This is only possible by using a multidisciplinary approach that breaks down the barriers between neuroscientists and bridges across levels of analysis. Research programs at the CNLM are completely integrated, from molecules to mind.
In honor of Dr. Michael Yassa, Mnemonology (MEMORY)
The UC Santa Cruz Foundation is a not-for-profit, public-benefit corporation organized in 1974 to raise and manage private support for UC Santa Cruz.
In honor of Dr. G. William Domhoff, Oneirology (DREAMS)
The Unicode Consortium is the standards body for the internationalization of software and services. Deployed on more than 20 billion devices around the world, Unicode also provides the solution for internationalization and the architecture to support localization.
In honor of Keith Broni, Jeremy Burge, and Jennifer Daniel, Curiology (EMOJI)
The mission of the Union of Concerned Scientists is to use rigorous, independent science to solve our planet's most pressing problems. Joining with people across the country, we combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future.
In honor of Dr. Andrea Swei, Acaropathology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE)
Urban Ocean Lab cultivates rigorous, creative, and practical climate and ocean policy, for the future of coastal cities. We are a hub of thought leadership for solutions that restore and sustain the urban ocean and a livable climate.
In honor of Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Oceanology (OCEANS)
Urology Unbound is a non profit organization providing mentorship, networking opportunities, and support for underrepresented minority urologists at all levels of their career.
In honor of Dr. Fenwa Milhouse, Urology (CROTCH PARTS)
The Vancouver Aquarium, an Ocean Wise® initiative, is home to thousands of incredible ocean species and amazing aquatic life. It’s also Ocean Wise headquarters, where our scientists, educators and conservation experts do their work, not only to protect our oceans but to inspire others to join us in our mission.
In honor of Dr. Rebecca Helm, Medusology (JELLYFISH)
Building upon the collective strength of the vasculitis community, the Vasculitis Foundation supports, inspires and empowers individuals with vasculitis and their families through a wide range of education, research, clinical, and awareness initiatives.
In honor of Dr. Joseph R. Ferrari, Volitional Psychology (PROCRASTINATION)
WestCats mission: To be model representatives and ambassadors to earth's natural environment. To be pioneers in the forefront of early detection for forest fires. To set precedence in having timely detections for advance warnings. To consider safety for human life in forest regions using early detection. To establish the basics of a foundation that takes the elements of natural energy into consideration. To have the in depth knowledge of the area's topology and consideration for deterring possible fires. To be of altruistic service to earth's environment and currently focusing in forest regions.
In honor of Mikel Delgado, Felinology (CATS)
Wildlands Network is creating a continental movement to connect and restore nature so wildlife can roam and thrive. We work to prevent biodiversity loss and promote climate change resilience through science-based research and innovative policy. By collaborating with local partners and people like you, we empower communities across North America to safeguard their wild spaces.
In honor of Ben Goldfarb, Road Ecology (ROAD KILL)
WCS saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. This donation went towards WCS’s Siamese Crocodile Conservation Project.
In honor of Laura Kojima, Alligator Ecotoxicology (GATOR POISONS)
Wildlife Media is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to telling inspiring and impactful stories about wildlife and conservation. We support on-the-ground efforts of those who are making a real difference, as well as supporting emerging and established individuals in the field, including scientists, filmmakers, and conservationists.
In honor of Chris Morgan, Ursinology (BEARS)
Will Run For Soil is on a mission to make soil, and the soil scientists who study them, household names. Your donation will support the development, production, and sharing of our film with a broad audience.
In honor of Dr. Lydia Jennings, Indigenous Pedology (SOIL SCIENCE)
William Way LGBT Community Center seeks to engage and support the diverse LGBTQIA+ communities in the greater Philadelphia area through arts & culture, empowerment, and community connections.
In honor of Conrad Benner, Modern Toichographology (MURALS & STREET ART)
When women have control over their income and productive assets like farmland, all family members benefit. They eat better quality food, kids go to school, and the whole family’s health improves. The Women’s Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Project works with existing community groups of indigenous women – helping to set up groups where they don’t already exist – in Sololá and the Alta and Baja Verapaz regions to boost their incomes. Almost all households in these regions are male-led, with women having identified being able to generate their own income as potentially transformative for them.
In honor of Dr. Randy Lewis, Spidroinology (SPIDERWEBS)
The Worldwide Dragonfly Association (WDA) is an international organization dedicated to research, conservation and public awareness of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata), an ancient and beautiful order of insects with amazing behavior.to help students remember their indigenosity and connection to life.
In honor of Dr. Jessica Ware, Odonatology (DRAGONFLIES)
For 30+ years, Worldwide Indigenous Science Network (WISN), 501(c)(3), has brought Indigenous and Western science together to preserve and protect Indigenous Knowledge Systems and the carriers of this wisdom for future generations, to protect sacred sites and species, and to help students remember their indigenosity and connection to life.
In honor of Dr. G. William Domhoff, Oneirology (DREAMS)
WWF’s mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.
We collaborate with local communities to conserve the natural resources we all depend on and build a future in which people and nature thrive. Together with partners at all levels, we transform markets and policies toward sustainability, tackle the threats driving the climate crisis, and protect and restore wildlife and their habitats.
In honor of Matt Simon, Neuroparasitology (NATURE ZOMBIES)
In honor of Lohitashwa Garikipati, Mantodeology (PRAYING MANTISES)
WWF is one of Australia’s most trusted conservation organisations. At WWF, we work in Australia and in our Asia-Pacific backyard to protect endangered species and habitats, meet the challenge of climate change, and build a world where people live in harmony with nature.
In honor of Dr. Bryan Lessard, Dipterology (FLIES)
In honor of Dr. Rachel Storer, Nephology (CLOUDS)
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. As a science-based organization, we both conduct our own research and rely upon the most up-to-date information to guide our conservation work.
In honor of Phil Torres, Lepidopterology (BUTTERFLIES)
In honor of Dr. Sara Lewis, Sparklebuttology (FIREFLIES)
In honor of Eric Eaton, Spheksology (WASPS)
The mission of the Yash Gandhi Foundation is to raise awareness, build patient advocacy, and sustain research efforts into finding a cure for Mucolipidosis II (I-Cell Disease)
In honor of Bobby Corrigan, Urban Rodentology (SEWER RATS)
Yellowhammer Fund (YHF) is a 501(c)3 abortion advocacy and Reproductive Justice organization serving Alabama, Mississippi, and the Deep South. We envision a society in which reproductive decisions are made free from coercion, shame, or state interference, a society in which individuals and communities have autonomy in making healthy choices regarding their bodies and their futures. We commit ourselves to community education and empowerment, policy advocacy, and the development of mutual aid to ensure that our friends, families, and neighbors never go without the critical resources they need.
In honor of Dr. Kara Cooney, Momiology (MUMMIFICATION)
The mission of 500 Women Scientists is to serve society by making science open, inclusive, and accessible and transform society by fighting racism, patriarchy, and oppressive societal norms.
In honor of various ologists, Quarantinology (UM, WHAT HAPPENS NOW?)
In honor of Jessica Malaty Rivera, Vaccine Infodemiology (COVID-19 IMMUNITY)
826 LA is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting students ages 6 to 18 with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.
In honor of Audiobook Mixtape 1-3
In honor of Dr. Adrian Johns, Anagnosology (READING)
826 Valencia is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting under-resourced students ages six to eighteen with their creative and expository writing skills and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.
In honor of Dr. Andrea Swei, Acaropathology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE)