Environmental Toxicology (POISONS + TRAIN DERAILMENT) with Dr. Kimberly K. Garrett
Photo credit: Pat Healy
Chemical spills, historical disasters, water quality, airborne toxic events, clear gasses, White Noise, dead fish, dark clouds, chemistry tests, trench coats, PFAS, phthalates, and the Ohio train derailment that plumed vinyl chloride into the skies of a small Ohio town. The lovely and informative Environmental Toxicologist Dr. Kimberly K. Garrett works at the intersection of chemical safety, public health and environmental justice — and she has cool science tattoos. Also: should I burn incense all the time?
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Visit Dr. Kimberly K. Garrett’s website and follow her on Twitter
A donation went to Group Against Smog & Pollution (GASP)
Follow GASP on Twitter
Links to things we discussed:
History of Taxol or Paclitaxel
Rachel Carlson’s 1962 book, “Silent Spring”
Deadly Donora smog via Smithsonian
London Fog coats: Israel Meyers obituary from 1999
Breaking Bad Pilot: Phosphine Gas Caper
Fact Check: Was Journalist Arrested in Ohio for Covering Train Derailment?
green science policy institute's consumer resources
June 2022: US Supreme Court hobbles the EPA’s authority over climate emissions
Learn about Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Did Control Burn of Toxic Chemicals Make Ohio Train Derailment Worse? – Newsweek
What’s causing the oil sheen in East Palestine streams?
NIH’s info on Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
The Adverse Impact of Incense Smoke on Human Health: From Mechanisms to Implications
Lead in lipsticks – FDA report
Maybelline’s Pink Petal lipstick
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Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media
Transcripts by Emily White of The Wordary
Website by Kelly R. Dwyer
Theme song by Nick Thorburn