Carobology (NOT-CHOCOLATE TREES) with Megan Lynch
Plant scientist and carob expert Megan Lynch smiles and looks up toward her left. She is wearing a colorful, printed collared shirt with Loteria imagery on it, and a white polka-dotted red kerchief tied around her hair. She is outside and behind her is golden grass and green trees. The Ologies logo is superimposed on the lower right.
You might only know carob as not-chocolate, which is a tragedy of its disco-era branding. This tough, gnarly, drought-resistant plant is the real-life Giving Tree, explains passionate Carobologist Megan Lynch. Dripping with leathery banana-shaped legume pods, this tree quietly dots suburban streets but has kept people alive through wars and famines, can feed livestock, makes beautiful furniture, and might cure ailments from neurodegenerative diseases to the dark depths of your irritable bowels. Oh also? It can stand in for chocolate if you need it to. LET’S SHOW SOME RESPECT. Megan also chats about the #DisabilitiesinSTEM movement, academic gatekeeping, and making science more accessible. And cheesecakes.
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Sound editing by Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media & Steven Ray Morris
Theme song by Nick Thorburn
More links you may find of interest!
Megan Lynch’s Demandifesto on the Internet Archive:
Buy Megan’s album! “Songs the Brothers Warner Taught Me”
Other Ologies episodes mentioned: Matrimoniology (MARRIAGE), Sexology (SEX), Entomophagy Anthropology (EATING BUGS), Corvid Thanatology (CROW FUNERALS), Molecular Neurobiology (NEUROTRANSMITTERS), Experimental Archeology (ATLATLS)
Please enjoy: “EATING A PUPCAKE”
1945 LA Times article citing a “carobologist”
Section 14(c): SUB-minimum wage legally paid to people with disabilities
Below minimum wage: explained via Vox article
History of carob in California
Dr. J. Elliot Coit: avocado dude and carob lover
Neurodegenerative disorders and carob
What 100 grams of stuff looks like:
Uhhh, carrots that look like dicks
Commercially processed carob: less nutritious, as it turns out it
“How Carob Traumatized a Generation” in the New Yorker
Steven Ray Morris’s new Star Wars podcast, “Everything But the Movie”
Alie on Renee Colvert’s new podcast “My Pandemic Makeover Spectacular”